Welcome to

Lex football academy

Crafting the Future Leaders of Football, Starting Today – Lex Football Academy, Your Gateway to Sporting Excellence.

filling the gap

Africa is home to the most talented and enthusiastic players in the world.

However, sourcing and preparing players for an international football career remains a challenge – With a lack of scouting programs and effective training and facilities, players in Africa have little opportunity to develop themselves in a safe and controlled manner. We fill this gap!


With more than 15 years of local presence across Africa and now our academy in Abuja, Nigeria, we have a large outreach of talents and agents across Africa.

We offer not only direct access to talented players, but are able to train them from the start. This allows them to develop and meet the strict international requirements.

About the club

Welcome to the home of LFA

Positioned in the heart of Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, we are a premier institution committed to developing young talents. Through our comprehensive training programs, trial matches, and scouting initiatives, we offer our players a rich blend of learning experiences.

Moreover, our seasoned coaches provide personalized guidance, nurturing our players’ football skills and character. At Lex Football Academy, we don’t just train athletes; we cultivate future stars primed for success in the global football arena and beyond.


our vision and mission

At Lex Football Academy, our mission is to instill hope in budding football talents, to help them envision a future where they become the next generation of football luminaries gracing the global stage. We passionately believe in the potential of every young player and aim to provide an environment where this potential can be nurtured, guided, and ultimately transformed into a shining beacon in the football world.

Equally important to us is the comprehensive education of the game we impart to our players. We aim to provide lessons that extend beyond the field, shaping their football careers and life paths. Our objective is to equip them with profound knowledge and appreciation of the beautiful game—a legacy that will enrich their lives in countless ways. At Lex Football Academy, we don’t just build athletes. We nurture individuals poised to impact the world of football and beyond significantly.

Join Our Team

Feet Speak Football, Hearts Fuel passion.

Our goal is to train the next generation of football athletes who will revolutionize the game, establish new benchmarks, and surpass the limitations of what is currently possible in football.



We passionately guide and prepare the next generation of football players with care. Our goal is to see them exceed expectations, innovate, and push beyond the current limits of football.